About Me!

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My name is Connor Lloyd. I'm 8 years old, and sometimes I drive my parents nuts. But I'm sure they still love me.

I go to school, and in my free time I like to do X, Y and sometimes Z. I've done some modeling and acting. My kindness, hair and charm totally is totally what sells.

Here is some more random text to fill the container, and display what it would look like should this section be longer. There is this feature called 'lorem' that just spews out random text to fill containers like this one. Behold: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Porro dolores perferendis consectetur, neque, incidunt, cum dignissimos quibusdam dolor atque qui magnam beatae quisquam aperiam! Porro eos architecto commodi sit mollitia.

Hire me!!

Website by: Brendan Stander